My story is nothing special but I know that it will help someone out there to get through depression or help someone understand a little more on what its like to live with such an illness.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Just pretend we're sitting down havin' a rum!

There is one thing that really ticks me off lately. Its when you start to talk to someone about what has been going on (well, they did ask in a sincere kind of way) and then turn the conversation right around back on to them in one sentence. If you've had a headache, they've had a bigger headache, if you've had the flu then they had the flu twice as bad, if you've had a broken leg then theirs was broken in more places. If your not feeling the best its because your stressed and unhappy because thats what they are feeling....

You get my drift right? Quite a few times lately Ive felt like pulling a certain person up on it by saying 'Oi, the conversation is about me, not you!' but really where would that get me? Into another argument Im not interested in. But when they do ask 'why aren't you feeling good' and I just happen to say 'Dunno' then they get the shits at me for not talking. I go to talk and you butt in and talk about your problems but when I dont talk about it then you get the shits.....does anyone else notice this or is it just me?

And, whats with having an argument and then thinking of all the good shit to say afterwards? Im so going to do my thesis on this hey! The emotional blockage on argumentative and self-defensive language and the disgruntled person! Why cannt we think of all that good stuff to say then and there? Why is it so hard to say to someone "be interested in me please". "Im having issues, I want you to listen and care!!". There comes a point when you become scared of coming back home because of what may be said or pointed out, there comes a point where you feel like not wanted or needed but useless, there comes a time where you wonder what the hell happened because you cannt talk anymore!

Its so darn easy to be caught up in our own world that we forget that other's issues (particularly our hubby/wife/partner etc) are just as important as ours and we should give attention to that. Why is it that when everything is turning to mud that we lose our global focus and can only see ourselves and how everything affects us.

Its one of those little human needs - to feel like someone is interested, especially from the person who should be the most interested - your partner!

People just really tick me off. Im wanting to hide from the world and never venture out. I want my own secluded little place and not deal with anyone other than a select few. I wanna tell the world to get fudged! But I dont want to be home, I do...but I dont. I dont want to judged or put down because of something I have or haven't done. I dont want to .....just leave me the hell alone. I hate people saying that they love you, they are your friend, or that they are interested and then to just turn around and give ya nothing....its not that Im being selfish, Im just sick of being ignored. And I wish I could say what I really want to say but I cannt and that sucks even more. I need my Ruthy!!!!!!

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